General Knowledge Current Affairs

Sunday, June 9, 2024

World Hydrogen Summit 2024


The World Hydrogen Summit 2024 is set to be a landmark event in the global energy calendar, bringing together leaders, innovators, and policymakers from around the world. As hydrogen emerges as a pivotal element in the quest for sustainable energy solutions, this summit promises to offer critical insights and drive forward the hydrogen agenda.

The Evolution of the World Hydrogen Summit

History and Background

The World Hydrogen Summit has been a key platform for the hydrogen community since its inception. Initially a modest gathering, it has grown exponentially, reflecting the increasing recognition of hydrogen's potential in the energy sector. Each year, the summit has introduced groundbreaking discussions and showcased innovative technologies that push the boundaries of what's possible.

Key Milestones in Previous Summits

From the first summit's modest beginnings to recent years' expansive gatherings, the World Hydrogen Summit has achieved several significant milestones. These include launching major international hydrogen initiatives, unveiling new technologies, and forming key industry partnerships that have propelled the hydrogen economy forward.

World Hydrogen Summit 2024: Key Details

Dates and Location

The World Hydrogen Summit 2024 was held from May 13 - 15 in Rotterdam, Netherlands, a city known for its innovative approach to energy and sustainability. This strategic location offers an ideal backdrop for discussions on advancing the hydrogen economy.

Theme and Objectives

The theme for this year’s summit is “Hydrogen for a Sustainable Future,” emphasizing the role of hydrogen in achieving global sustainability goals. The primary objectives are to facilitate knowledge exchange, foster international collaboration, and accelerate the commercialization of hydrogen technologies.

Major Stakeholders and Participants

Governments and Policy Makers

Governments play a crucial role in shaping the hydrogen landscape through policies and funding. The summit will feature representatives from various national governments who will share their strategies and frameworks supporting hydrogen development.

Industry Leaders and Corporations

Leading corporations in the energy, automotive, and industrial sectors will showcase their advancements and discuss their roles in the hydrogen economy. These industry leaders are pivotal in driving technological innovation and large-scale hydrogen adoption.

Research Institutions and Academia

Academic and research institutions will present their latest findings and innovations in hydrogen technology. These sessions are essential for understanding the scientific advancements that underpin the hydrogen economy.

Agenda and Program Highlights

Keynote Speakers

The summit will feature keynote addresses from prominent figures in the hydrogen industry, including CEOs of major energy companies, government officials, and leading researchers. These speeches will set the tone for the summit, highlighting the latest trends and future directions in hydrogen technology.

Panel Discussions

Panel discussions will cover a wide range of topics, from policy frameworks and regulatory challenges to technological innovations and market trends. These sessions are designed to provide a comprehensive view of the current state and future prospects of the hydrogen industry.

Workshops and Interactive Sessions

Interactive workshops will offer hands-on learning experiences, allowing participants to delve deeper into specific areas of interest. These sessions will cover topics such as hydrogen production techniques, safety protocols, and business models for hydrogen deployment.

Technological Innovations in Hydrogen

Advances in Hydrogen Production

Innovations in hydrogen production are central to making hydrogen a viable energy source. Recent advancements include electrolysis technologies that produce hydrogen from water using renewable energy sources, reducing carbon emissions significantly.

Storage Solutions

Effective storage solutions are crucial for the hydrogen economy. The summit will highlight the latest in hydrogen storage technologies, such as advanced tank materials and novel methods for storing hydrogen at lower costs and higher efficiencies.

Transportation Technologies

Hydrogen’s role in transportation is expanding, with new developments in fuel cell technology and hydrogen-powered vehicles. These innovations promise to revolutionize the transportation sector, offering cleaner alternatives to traditional fossil fuels.

Hydrogen and Sustainable Development

Hydrogen's Role in Achieving Net-Zero Emissions

Hydrogen is seen as a key component in achieving net-zero emissions due to its potential to replace fossil fuels in various sectors. The summit will explore how hydrogen can contribute to decarbonizing industries, from manufacturing to transportation.

Integration with Renewable Energy Sources

Integrating hydrogen production with renewable energy sources like wind and solar can create a truly sustainable energy system. This integration is critical for the large-scale adoption of hydrogen, ensuring that its production does not contribute to carbon emissions.

Case Studies of Successful Hydrogen Projects

Real-world examples of successful hydrogen projects will be presented, providing valuable insights into practical applications and lessons learned. These case studies will showcase the feasibility and benefits of hydrogen in different contexts.

Investment and Funding Opportunities

Government Grants and Subsidies

Government support through grants and subsidies is vital for the hydrogen industry’s growth. The summit will detail various national and international funding opportunities available to businesses and researchers working in the hydrogen space.

Private Sector Investments

Private sector investments are equally important in driving the hydrogen economy. Venture capitalists, corporate investors, and financial institutions will discuss the investment landscape and opportunities within the hydrogen market.

International Collaborations

Collaborative efforts between countries and organizations can accelerate hydrogen development. The summit will highlight successful international partnerships and explore new avenues for collaboration.

Policy and Regulatory Framework

Existing Policies Supporting Hydrogen Adoption

A review of existing policies that support hydrogen adoption will be conducted, showcasing how different regions are promoting hydrogen through regulatory measures. These policies are essential for creating a conducive environment for hydrogen technologies.

Future Policy Directions

Looking ahead, future policy directions will be discussed, focusing on what is needed to support the growth of the hydrogen industry. This includes potential new regulations, incentives, and international agreements.

Regulatory Challenges and Solutions

Addressing regulatory challenges is critical for the hydrogen industry’s progress. The summit will explore these challenges and propose solutions to overcome them, ensuring that hydrogen can be safely and efficiently integrated into the energy system.

Challenges Facing the Hydrogen Industry

Technical and Economic Barriers

Despite its potential, hydrogen faces several technical and economic barriers. These include high production costs, technical challenges in storage and transport, and the need for significant infrastructure development.

Market Adoption Issues

Market adoption is another hurdle, with the need to build consumer confidence and establish robust supply chains. Strategies for overcoming these adoption issues will be a key focus of the summit.

Infrastructure Development

Developing the necessary infrastructure for hydrogen production, storage, and distribution is a major challenge. The summit will discuss ongoing and planned infrastructure projects and the investments needed to bring them to fruition.

Global Perspectives on Hydrogen

Insights from Different Regions

Different regions have varied approaches to hydrogen adoption. The summit will provide insights from Europe, Asia, and North America, highlighting the unique strategies and progress in each region.

International Cooperation and Partnerships

International cooperation is crucial for the hydrogen economy’s global success. The summit will emphasize the importance of partnerships and collaborative projects that transcend national borders.

Comparative Analysis of Hydrogen Strategies

A comparative analysis of hydrogen strategies from different countries will be conducted, offering a broader perspective on the most effective approaches and practices.

The Future of Hydrogen Economy

Predictions and Trends

Experts will share their predictions and identify trends that will shape the future of the hydrogen economy. This includes technological advancements, market developments, and policy changes.

Potential Impact on Global Energy Markets

Hydrogen has the potential to significantly impact global energy markets, offering a cleaner alternative to fossil fuels. The summit will explore this potential impact and what it means for the future of energy.

Vision for 2050

Looking towards 2050, a vision for a hydrogen-powered world will be presented, outlining the steps needed to achieve this vision and the role hydrogen will play in our future energy system.


Q. What is the main focus of the World Hydrogen Summit 2024?
The main focus is on advancing hydrogen as a sustainable energy source, with discussions on technology, policy, investment, and collaboration.

Q. Who should attend the World Hydrogen Summit 2024?
The summit is ideal for industry professionals, policymakers, researchers, investors, and anyone interested in the future of hydrogen technology.

Q. What role does hydrogen play in achieving net-zero emissions?
Hydrogen can replace fossil fuels in various sectors, significantly reducing carbon emissions and contributing to global sustainability goals.

First set of citizenship certificates after notification of Citizenship (Amendment) Rules, 2024 issued

The first set of citizenship certificates after notification of Citizenship (Amendment) Rules, 2024 were issued. Union Home Secretary Shri Ajay Kumar Bhalla handed over citizenship certificates to some applicants in New Delhi. Home Secretary congratulated the applicants and highlighted salient features of the Citizenship (Amendment) Rules, 2024. Secretary Posts, Director (IB), Registrar General of India and senior officers were also present during the interactive session.

The Government of India had notified Citizenship (Amendment) Rules, 2024 on 11th March 2024. The Rules envisage manner of application form, procedure for processing applications by District Level Committee (DLC) and scrutiny and grant of citizenship by State Level Empowered Committee (EC). In pursuance of these rules, applications have been received from persons belonging to Hindu, Sikh, Jain, Buddhist, Parsi and Christian communities from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan who have entered into India up to 31.12.2014 on account of persecution on grounds of religion or fear of such persecution.

The District Level Committees (DLCs) chaired by Senior Superintendents of Post/Superintendents of Post as designated officers, on successful verification of documents, have administered oath of allegiance to the applicants. After processing as per rules, DLCs have forwarded the applications to State Level Empowered Committee headed by Director (Census operation). Processing of application is completely done through the online portal.

The Empowered Committee, Delhi headed by Director (Census Operation), Delhi, after due scrutiny, have decided to grant citizenship to 14 applicants. Accordingly, Director (Census operation) granted certificates to these applicants.

3rd Session of India-Zimbabwe Joint Trade Committee held in New Delhi

Third Session of India-Zimbabwe Joint Trade Committee (JTC) was held in New Delhi from 13.05.2024 to 14.05.2024 under the co-chairpersonship of Economic Adviser, Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India, Ms. Priya P. Nair and Chief Director, Economic Cooperation, International Trade and Diaspora, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Government of the Republic of Zimbabwe, Ms. Rudo. M. Faranisi. Charge d'Affaires, Embassy of Zimbabwe, Mr. Peter Hobwani along with over 15 delegates from relevant Ministries accompanied the Zimbabwean delegation. The discussions were held in a cordial and friendly atmosphere. There was enthusiastic response towards greater cooperation, addressing pending issues, boosting trade and investment and greater people to people contacts.

Both sides reviewed the bilateral trade and noted the vast potential that exists between the two countries. Both sides agreed to make concerted efforts towards enhancing bilateral trade. Both sides agreed to explore signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MoUs) for regulatory cooperation in Digital transformation solutions, Tele-medicines, Rough diamonds, fast payments system and traditional medicine among others.

Both sides identified several areas of focus for enhancing bilateral cooperation in pharmaceuticals, Geospatial Sector, healthcare, machinery and mechanical appliances, vehicles, electrical machinery, mineral fuels, mineral oils and products of distillation, plastics and articles, iron and steel, agriculture and food processing, engineering sector, renewable energy, digital economy, textiles, capacity building etc.

Both sides also agreed on closer collaboration between the Investment Promotion Agencies and Chambers of Commerce of both sides. The deliberations of the 3rd Session of India-Zimbabwe JTC were cordial and forward-looking, indicative of the amicable and special relations between the two countries.

REC wins SKOCH ESG Award 2024 in Renewable Energy Financing Category

REC Limited, a Maharatna Central Public Sector Enterprise under the Ministry of Power and a leading NBFC, has been bestowed with the SKOCH ESG Award 2024 in the 'Renewable Energy Financing' category. The award underscores REC's dedication to sustainable financing, paving the way for a greener future and accelerating the transition to renewable energy. Executive Director, REC Limited, Shri T.S.C. Bosh received the award in New Delhi.

REC has emerged as a significant player in India's clean energy transition, actively contributing to the nation's sustainable future. Through various initiatives and achievements, REC has committed to numerous sustainable projects and signed various MOUs for green projects. Furthermore, REC has engaged in one-on-one discussions with various developers of green projects, spanning sectors such as solar, wind, Pumped Storage Projects, E-mobility, RE manufacturing, green ammonia and green hydrogen, and battery storage.

Looking ahead, REC anticipates a significant expansion in its renewable energy portfolio, with projections indicating growth to 10 times its present value, reaching more than Rs. 3 lakh crores by 2030, representing approximately 30% of its Assets Under Management. The SKOCH ESG Awards recognize organizations that demonstrate outstanding performance in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) practices. The SKOCH ESG Award and Assessment serve as an important benchmark for evaluating organizations' commitment to India 2047. It focuses on the interplay between sustainable investments and processes in shaping a sustainable and growing business future.

About REC

REC is a 'Maharatna' Central Public Sector Enterprise under the Ministry of Power, and is registered with RBI as Non-Banking Finance Company (NBFC), and Infrastructure Financing Company (IFC). REC finances the entire Power-Infrastructure sector comprising Generation, Transmission, Distribution, Renewable Energy and new technologies like Electric Vehicles, Battery Storage, Pumped Storage Projects, Green Hydrogen and Green Ammonia projects. Recently, REC has also diversified into the Non-Power Infrastructure sector comprising Roads & Expressways, Metro Rail, Airports, IT Communication, Social and Commercial Infrastructure (Educational Institution, Hospitals), Ports and Electro-Mechanical (E&M) works in respect of various other sectors like Steel and Refinery.

REC Ltd. provides loans of various maturities to State, Central and Private Companies for creation of infrastructure assets in the country. REC Ltd. continues to play a key strategic role in the flagship schemes of the Government for the power sector and has been a nodal agency for Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana (SAUBHAGAYA), Deen Dayal Upadhaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY), National Electricity Fund (NEF) Scheme which resulted in strengthening of last-mile distribution system, 100% village electrification and household electrification in the country. REC has also been made the nodal agency for certain States and Union Territories for the Revamped Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS). The loan book of REC stands at Rs 4.97 Lakh Crores and Net Worth at Rs. 64,787 crores as on 31st December, 2023.

India Celebrates World Quantum Day 2024

India celebrates World Quantum Day 2024 on April 14, 2024, with aspirations to become a global leader in various fields of Quantum Science and Technology. Quantum Mechanics, the study of atoms and sub-atomic particles, has now advanced to such an extent that it has now moved to the engineering domain and is leading to novel and varied applications. Researchers worldwide have utilized its principles to develop technologies such as LEDs, lasers, and ultra-precise atomic clocks used in the Global Positioning System. Considerable attention is now being paid to controlling and manipulating quantum systems for Quantum Computing, Quantum Communications, and Quantum Sensing applications. To advance the awareness and appreciation of quantum science and technology among the public worldwide, an international initiative was taken in 2022, commemorated annually as the World Quantum Day on April 14th.

Prof. Ajay Kumar Sood, Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India emphasized the global impact of quantum technology: “Quantum Technology is the new technology frontier, reached after decades of fundamental research leading to our ability to exploit the principles of superposition, entanglement, and measurement. It promises to lead to applications with immense potential for the global economy in areas ranging from medicine to the discovery of advanced materials, and from safe communication to extremely sensitive sensors.”

Discussing quantum technology’s global reach and the need to eliminate potential threats by quantum computers, Prof. Sood said, “Governments and private players in almost all scientifically advanced nations are investing heavily in its development and exploitation to tap its immense potential for enhancing computing, communication, and sensing capabilities with significant implications for national prosperity and security. The threat emerging from quantum computers that breaches the encryption algorithms used by conventional computing systems needs to be addressed by PQC and QKD to make the world quantum-safe. Ensuring ethical development and deployment of quantum technology will also become important as newer applications get developed, and for this, engagement with a wide range of stakeholders - scientists, policymakers, industry leaders, civil society organizations, and the public - must continue.”

Regarding India’s plans to excel in quantum technology on the global stage, Prof. Sood expressed optimism and confidence and mentioned that India’s National Quantum Mission (NQM) will bolster India's competitiveness by leveraging the national strengths built through previous R&D initiatives and strengthening them further in a focused and directed manner. The National Quantum Mission (NQM), conceptualized by the Prime Minister Science Technology Advisory Council (PM-STIAC) received Cabinet approval on April 19, 2023 with a total outlay of Rs 6003.65 Crore for a period of eight years. The Mission aims to seed, nurture, and scale up scientific and industrial R&D and create a vibrant & innovative ecosystem in Quantum Technology (QT). This will accelerate QT-led economic growth, nurture the ecosystem in the country, and make India one of the leading nations in the development of QT and applications.

Being implemented by the Department of Science and Technology (DST), NQM envisages well-orchestrated and synergistic efforts through a hub-spoke-spike model, involving Centres of Excellence (CoEs), consortia projects, individual scientist-centric projects, etc. This mission is guided by a Mission Governing Board (MGB) chaired by Dr. Ajai Chowdhry and assisted by the Mission Technology Research Council (MTRC) chaired by the PSA to the Government of India. The Mission aims to establish four Thematic Hubs (T-Hubs) in domains such as (i) Quantum Computing, (ii) Quantum Communication, (iii) Quantum Sensing & Metrology, and (iv) Quantum Materials & Devices. A Call for Pre-Proposals to establish T-Hubs was given on January 20, 2024, inviting contributions from academic institutions and R&D labs.

Underscoring DST’s pivotal role in taking India’s quantum mission forward, Prof. Abhay Karandikar, Secretary, DST, said, “India is one of the few countries making concerted efforts to leapfrog in quantum technologies and has reasons to be optimistic to become a leader in the area as it is still evolving. DST has taken up the challenge to build a world-class R&D capability in quantum technologies. Central to its efforts is the setting up of four hubs in Quantum Computing, Quantum Communication, Quantum Sensing & Metrology, and Quantum Materials & Devices.”

Prof. Karandikar also underlined that NQM will be a consortium of academia and R&D labs in collaboration with startups and industry. This will help bring talents in the relevant areas across the country to work together for the development of the technology and its translation in myriad areas.

Dr. Ajai Chowdhry, Chairman, MGB and Founder HCL Technologies highlighted the importance of quantum technology in the digital economy and geopolitics for India: "On this World Quantum Day, the nation's decision to embark on the National Quantum Mission and seize the opportunities presented by the quantum revolution is a source of immeasurable hope and delight. The imminent economic potential and consequential effects of quantum computing on worldwide digital economies are critical considerations for geopolitical strategies. The substantial financial investment of ₹6,000 crore in the National Quantum Mission will undoubtedly facilitate the advancement of research and innovation across numerous sectors, benefiting scientists, researchers, and startups throughout the country.” Dr. Chowdhry also stressed the importance of quantum cryptography and encryption as an indispensable component of protecting critical institutions such as Banks and Electrical grids which will be required to implement quantum cryptography to improve security. He reiterated his confidence that the country will endeavour to achieve predetermined standards in the realm of QT by NQM.

Prof. Urbasi Sinha, Quantum Information and Computing Lab, Raman Research Institute and India Representative on the World Quantum Day Network shared her remarks on NQM: “As a country representative for the World Quantum Day network, I am very excited with the boom in quantum technologies that the country is currently witnessing with the impetus that has been received through the National Quantum Mission and look forward to contributing majorly to all the above efforts as a part of the Mission.”

Asserting the importance of research and development on Quantum Communications, Prof. Sinha said, “India has made significant advances in the domain of secure quantum communications, both in fibre as well as free space domain with several ground-based milestones achieved over the last few years. Through the National Quantum Mission and beyond, we are looking forward to further leaps in long-distance quantum communications. We are aiming to have a country-wide free space quantum key distribution (QKD) network by using a satellite as a trusted node as well as a fibre-based QKD network. We will also make advances towards multi-node quantum repeater networks for entanglement distribution-based quantum communication. Going forward, India envisages being a lead player in the quest towards the global quantum internet, which would involve connecting India with other countries through quantum communication links.”